To Be or Not To Be...A Victim
Happy New Year! My wish for all my clients and my readers is that 2025 fulfills all your hopes and dreams.
It wasn't too long ago that I read a post on LinkedIn about a nasty response given to someone who was suffering. The responder told the poster to "stop being a victim." Frankly, that kind of ticked me off and led me to the comment I'm repeating below. I hope it helps someone out there who needs it today.
I think there is something systemic about the inability to distinguish what is and isn't victim-hood. It's okay to feel bad when something bothers us; it doesn't mean being a victim. It's okay to express how we feel even when it isn't sunshine and roses; it doesn't mean being a victim. It's okay to be vulnerable, letting others know when you need validation--especially when it's within a space where it's supposed to be safe; that's not being a victim. The difference between expressing, venting, seeking, etc. and being a victim is when the needing to be validated becomes constant, when the feeling bad becomes a means of secondary gain to feeling good.